factasia.org is an independent, not-for-profit, consumer-oriented organization advocating for the rights of adults who choose to use nicotine.
factasia.org urges rational debate based on scientific evidence, Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR), smoking cessation objectives and the rights of adult consumers.
factasia.org advocates for proportionate and sensible regulation of all nicotine products, including new nicotine delivery products such as e-cigarettes, nicotine pouches, heat not burn and snus throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
factasia.org does not promote smoking or the use of nicotine in any form, opposes all under-age use of cigarettes or any other product containing nicotine, and does not engage in any manufacturing, marketing, distribution or retailing activities.
factasia‘s role is to act as a messenger, facilitating constructive dialogue between scientists and medical experts, legislators, regulators and the general public.
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The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) today highlighted the findings of a landmark study publish...

“This is the most significant independent survey we’ve seen coming out of India since its 2019 vaping ban. It shows an overwhelmin...
A potential benefit of (the U.S.) withdrawing from the WHO could (put) pressure on the organization to reform and improve its scientific integrity, potentially leading to a reassessment of THR policies. - Clive Bates
@followers @Clive_Bates @LandlMichael
THE W.H.O. - and its failure to provide good advice: Clive Bates
@WHO #THR #clivebates @Clive_Bates
Harm reduction the winner as FDA makes landmark decision to authorize nicotine pouches as a critical step in protecting public health.

factasia.org is an independent, not-for-profit, consumer-oriented advocate for rational debate about – and sensible regulation of – the rights of adult citizens throughout the Asia-Pacific region to choose to use tobacco or other nicotine products.
2 days ago
READ MORE: www.umass.edu/news/article/new-study-fails-show-youth-vaping-causes-future-smoking
#vaping CDC World Health Organization (WHO) ... See MoreSee Less
1 week ago
World Health Organization (WHO) Bloomberg #tobaccoharmreduction ... See MoreSee Less
Experts Discuss The Possible Repurcussions of the United States' Withdrawal From the WHO
Picking up where he left off in 2020 before the change of administration, earlier this month Trump reintroduced a bill which would withdraw the United States from the WHO. The U.S. has historically be...3 weeks ago
@WHO #THR #CliveBates @Clive_Bates Bloomberg
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USA withdrawing from the WHO and it's consequences on vaping and THR | Ep. 73 with Clive Bates
In this episode of Vaping Unplugged, we dive into the implications of the United States withdrawing from the World Health Organization (WHO) and what it mean...4 weeks ago
#SmokeFreeLife @followers
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FDA Admits Reality; Approves Nicotine Pouches For Harm Reduction - Americans for Tax Reform
In a groundbreaking moment for harm reduction, public health, and consumer rights, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—criticized by public health experts for pushing failed prohibitionist p...1 month ago
While New Zealand’s smoking rates had been falling for decades, the adoption of vaping products significantly sped up this trend. Smoking rates dropped from 40% of men and 32% of women in 1976 to just 8.3% of adults in 2023. In contrast, vaping rates rose to 11.9% in 2023, up from 1.4% in 2016.
#vaping #ecigarettes #tobaccoharmreduction
www.vapingpost.com/2025/01/06/more-of-the-progressive-thr-strategies-leading-new-zealand-into-a-s... ... See MoreSee Less