factasia.org is an independent, not-for-profit, consumer-oriented organization advocating for the rights of adults who choose to use nicotine.
factasia.org urges rational debate based on scientific evidence, Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR), smoking cessation objectives and the rights of adult consumers.
factasia.org advocates for proportionate and sensible regulation of all nicotine products, including new nicotine delivery products such as e-cigarettes, nicotine pouches, heat not burn and snus throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
factasia.org does not promote smoking or the use of nicotine in any form, opposes all under-age use of cigarettes or any other product containing nicotine, and does not engage in any manufacturing, marketing, distribution or retailing activities.
factasia‘s role is to act as a messenger, facilitating constructive dialogue between scientists and medical experts, legislators, regulators and the general public.
Latest News
Planned legislation to ban the sale of disposable vapes in England will create ‘health disbenefits’ with an expected 29% of vapers reverting or relapsing to cigarettes.
#vaping #ecigarettes @followers
The rate of decline in youth smoking at its fastest during vaping’s ascendancy, new paper reveals.
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Vape usage among US high school students in particular dropped from 1.56 million to 1.21 million ... marking a 25-year low and the lowest level ever measured by the National Youth Tobacco Survey...
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"... public health initiatives should focus more on reducing the impact of the most harmful tobacco products rather than imposing stringent restrictions on all nicotine products."
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factasia.org is an independent, not-for-profit, consumer-oriented advocate for rational debate about – and sensible regulation of – the rights of adult citizens throughout the Asia-Pacific region to choose to use tobacco or other nicotine products.
1 week ago
#vaping #ecigarettes #youthsmoking @followers
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Why the Demise of Youth Smoking Is an Overlooked Public Health Triumph
Amid the moral panic over youth vaping and a widespread belief that it’s a “gateway” to cigarettes, youth smoking in ...2 weeks ago
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Smoking and vaping rates among U.S. youth hits 25-year low
Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) analysed data from the 2024 National Youth Tobacco Survey to assess nicotine produ...2 weeks ago
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4 weeks ago
Listen to Jerry on YouTube: youtu.be/AGt0P1gDHak
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“Essential in Our World”—NYC Harm Reductionist on Vaping
“Harm reduction for tobacco is essential in our world,” says Jerry Otero. “So many of the people that I work ...1 month ago
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